Setup($dbuid, $dbpwd, $dbhost); $sql->Create($dbname); $sql2=new MySQL_class; $sql2->Setup($dbuid, $dbpwd, $dbhost); $sql2->Create($dbname); // sanitize variables based on either post or get while(list($key, $val)=each($_GET)) { $$key=filter_var($val, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); } reset($_GET); while(list($key, $val)=each($_POST)) { $file_type=substr($key, 0, 3); $$key=getFiltered($file_type, $val); } reset($_POST); $PHP_SELF=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if ($uid) { $_SESSION['uid']=$uid; } if ($pwd) { $_SESSION['cpwd']=cryptMe($pwd); } $search_id=$_SESSION['search_id']; if (!$search_id) { $search_id=time(); $_SESSION['search_id']=$search_id; } if ($job_id) { //echo "\n\n"; $_SESSION['job_id']=$job_id; } else { $job_id=$_SESSION['job_id']; //echo "\n\n"; } if ($exclusive) { //echo "\n\n"; $_SESSION['exclusive']=$exclusive; } else { $exclusive=$_SESSION['exclusive']; //echo "\n\n"; } //echo "\n\n\n\n"; if (stristr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "index_limited")) { $exclusive="on"; echo "\n\n\n\n"; } unset($approved); //echo "\n\n\n\n"; $approved=logIn("applicant", "txtUser_ID_rq", "txtPassword_rq", "chkActive"); if ($approved=="yes") { //echo "\n\n\n\n"; $sql->Query("select * from applicant where txtUser_ID_rq='".$_SESSION['uid']."'"); if ($sql->rows>0) { $sql->Fetch(0); extract($sql->data, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "my"); } } else { $login_results=$approved; } if ($logout=="yes") { unset($approved); $_SESSION['uid']=""; $_SESSION['cpwd']=""; $uid=""; $cpwd=""; $_SESSION['job_id']=""; $job_id=""; } $today=date("Y-m-d"); $old=time(); $old-=14400; $sql->Delete("delete from search_data where intSession_ID<'$old'"); if ($submit=="on") { $sql->Delete("delete from search_data where intSession_ID='$search_id'"); if (is_array($interests)) { foreach($interests as $val) { $sql->Insert("insert into search_data values ('$search_id', '', '$val', '')"); } } if (is_array($agencies)) { foreach($agencies as $val) { $sql->Insert("insert into search_data values ('$search_id', '$val', '', '')"); } } $sql->Insert("insert into search_data values ('$search_id', '', '', '$openings')"); } ?> YourNevada Administration

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Before you can apply, you need to be registered in our system. The registration process is fast, and allows you to instantly apply for future opportunities.

If you've registered with us previously, simply log in and complete your application.

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"; } ?>